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- Nutrition | LCSD
Nutrition Cafeteria Menu For the current lunch menu, please check NutriSlice: My School Bucks Click here to access your account online School Meal Benefit Application How To Apply for Free and Reduced Price School Meals (English Version) How To Apply for Free and Reduced Price School Meals (Spanish Version) Free and Reduced Lunch Application (English Version) Free and Reduced Lunch Application (Spanish Version) FAQs about free school meals Healthy School Meals - Additional Information and Resources for applying Video guide on completing the application (English, Spanish) Please send completed form to: Wilbur & McMachon Schools c/o Carolyn Sedgwick PO Box 178 Little Compton, RI 02837
- Enroll | LCSD
Student Registration Welcome to Wilbur and McMahon Schools! We're excited you're considering joining our family. The link below will show you everything you need before you register. Registration Requirements Once you've reviewed that and have everything you need, you can register below NOTE: Registrations are currently paused as we make upgrades to our systems. Please check back soon for an updated and streamlined enrollment process. If you have any questions, please reach out to . Click here to register (currently paused) If you're a returning student, no need to register. Fill out your yearly paperwork on the family page Quick Answers Pre-School Registration? To register your 3-5 year old for the pre-school we offer for students ages 3, 4 and 5, please call us at 401 592 0363 or email us at . The school's Child Outreach Coordinator is Kimberly Smith at 401.592.0363 x1134 / . Students will go through a screening process first and then submit registration paperwork at Wilbur McMahon School. Unable to complete the application online? Please contact us or stop by during office hours to obtain a paper version of the packet. Not a Resident? No Problem! We accept non resident students. For more information on tuition please call us at 401.592.0363 or email us at Transferring from another school? Be sure to inform your previous school/district that you're making the switch and ask if they can provide a consent to release form to help us obtain your records. Interested in a tour? Please call us at 401 592 0363 or email us at Other Inquires Please call us at 401 592 0363 or email us at
- Capital Improvement Plan - Stage II | LCSD
LCSD STAGE II Proposal/Approved by LC Town Council Projects: progress to date + costs Completed Solar Project
- Human Resources | LCSD
Human Resources T he District's Human Resources Department processes requests for the public relating to the following matters. Information on payroll, employee benefits, wellness, and employee assistance programs offered by the District is located in the staff portal. NOTICE: Employee Resources have moved to the Staff Portal (login required) Facilities Use Request Form To review the Use of Facilities policy and fees, click here . Then download the request form below. Facilities Request Form Access to Public Records Please review the APRA request policy by clicking here , then access the request form below. APRA Request Employee Resources Employee forms, information, and useful links can be found in the faculty portal Faculty Portal Employment Opportunities SchoolSpring Links SUB ME IN! Become a Substitute Teacher, Teacher Assistant, Nurse or Custodian at WMS! The Little Compton School Department is seeking qualified, day-to-day, on-call substitutes for all areas. Please use the SchoolSpring links provided to apply, or contact the HR Department: 401-592-0363 x1500 Daily On-Call Substitute Teachers and Teaching Assistants Long-Term Substitute Design Teacher (part-time) Substitute Custodian Substitute Nurse Intercultural Book Club The Rent Collector by: Camron Wright Survival for Ki Lim and Sang Ly is a daily battle at Stung Meanchey, the largest municipal waste dump in all of Cambodia. They make their living scavenging recyclables from the trash. Life would be hard enough without the worry for their chronically ill child, Nisay, and the added expense of medicines that are not working. Just when things seem worst, Sang Ly learns a secret about the ill-tempered rent collector who comes demanding money—a secret that sets in motion a tide that will change the life of everyone it sweeps past. The Rent Collector was named Book of the Year Gold Winner by Foreword Magazine, Best Novel of the Year at the Whitney Awards, and was a nominee for the prestigious International DUBLIN Literary Award. In addition to North America, The Rent Collector has also been published in Turkey, Indonesia, Norway, Korea, and Spain. All are welcome to join our book club, if you are interested or need more information email Karen Corrigan at Title IX The Little Compton School Committee is committed to maintaining an environment that is free of unlawful discrimination. In keeping with this commitment, the Committee will not tolerate harassment of its employees by anyone, including any supervisor, co-worker, or vendor and will not stand for harassment of any student, volunteer, or community member by any other person. Read the School Committee Policy on BoardDocs Your Title IX Coordinator is: Carolyn Sedgwick, SHRM-SCP Email Carolyn , dial x1500, or stop by the HR Office Title IX Training Material Coordinator Training Material Investigator Training Material
- Forms and Documents | LCSD
Forms and Documents Below you can find a list of useful forms and documents. If you're looking for something and don't see it, please reach out to for assistance. Yearly Student Bio Packet Start your packet in ALMA Start HERE Consent for Release of Information Click HERE 24-25 Student Handbook Click Here Bullying Report Form Click here RI Student Survey Available online by clicking here FERPA Available online by clicking here Student Retake Ticket Available online by clicking here Safe Schools Have something or someone you're concerned about? To file an anonymous safety report with the school, click here.
- Back to School | LCSD
Welcome Back! Little Compton School Department now uses Alma , a software system to help us better manage school, classroom, and student information. Alma is a secure, easy-to-use online system that brings important school information and tools together in one place. We expect this to save school leaders and teachers time and make it easier to get a complete view of what’s happening with each student’s learning. Families should be on the lookout for more information on setting up their account around August 30th. ALMA login Important Pages TRANSPORTATION WMS busing is provided by FirstStudent. Bus routes and contact information can be found on our transportation page. TRANSPORTATION NUTRITION Breakfast and lunch is curated by Chartwells. Access our online menu and payment through Mosaic. For more information, go to our nutrition page. NUTRITION PARENTSQUARE ParentSquare is the best way to stay up-to-date on all of your students activities. PARENTSQUARE CALENDARS Looking for district wide events? Head to our calendar to see important building dates. CALENDARS Looking to Register for Sports? All students participating in fall sports need to have all of the paperwork completed and meet all the academic and behavioral expectations in order to practice and participate. The following components are required for your child to participate in a sport at Wilbur and McMahon Schools: Completed Annual Biographical Paperwork Completed Fall Sports Registration These can be found in ALMA Start - Click on Begin New Process. An updated physical is required for all sport registrations If you are registering multiple students, you must complete the registration for each student. ALMA Start If you have more than one student enrolled at our school, you can access each student’s information with a single login. You can also find frequently asked questions about Alma at What is Alma? Who uses Alma? What are the benefits of Alma?. In addition to educator tools, Alma offers a parent and student dashboard to help the student’s support system stay informed and on track with their learning. Alma provides access to: School Calendar Staff Directory Class Rosters Attendance History Assignments Grades Activities Locker, Bus and Student ID information …and so much more You and/or your student(s) will receive an email from Alma on August 30th, 2024 with information about how to set up your account and log in. Once your account is configured, you may immediately proceed to Alma Start - the registration and paperwork component of our new SIS. If you choose to complete the paperwork at a later time, you can access Alma Start via your portal homepage or by using this link. Additional information on how to complete this process is available here . If you do not receive your account activation email by the end of day Friday please contact Send us an email Additional Resources Logging into ALMA Filling in your back to school packet detailed instructions Frequently asked questions about Alma
- Superintendent's Page | LCSD
Dr. Laurie Dias-Mitchell Superintendent of Schools Little Compton School Department Office: 401-592-0363 / Cell: 401-542-1116 Email: Superintendent's Goals Superintendent's Community Update
- Activities and Clubs | Little Compton School Department
Activities, sports, and clubs offered at Wilbur & McMahon School Activities and Clubs Winter Middle School Sports WMS Basketball for boys and girls will be starting the week of December 2nd. Boys will be practicing on Monday and Fridays at 3:30 to 5:00 pm. Girls basketball will be practicing on Tuesday and Thursdays at 3:00-4:30. The boys team will be coached by Brendan McKinnon. Erin Bowley will be coaching the girls team. If your student is interested in playing basketball please contact the school for more information. Please make sure that they have a current physical from the past year. Click here to view game schedules FIRST TECH Challenge FIRST LEGO League Challenge Band Drama Club After School Library Hours (Grades K-8)
- Student Support Services | LCSD
Student Support Services Our Mission Our Staff The Little Compton School Department’s Student Support Services department is fully committed to providing all students with opportunities along a continuum of services that offer access to and participation in the activities of the school and community environments as appropriate to the age and educational needs of the student. Services for students with disabilities are planned with long term outcomes in mind. Annual goals and objectives consider development in the areas of curriculum and instruction, functional skills such as; independent functioning, social and emotional functioning, communication, and career skills. We collaborate with school personnel to support the specialized instruction and services for our students. Parents are encouraged to work with the school’s Principal, Guidance Counselor, Teachers and Related Service Personnel throughout this process. Mark Dufresne Director of Student Support Services Early Childhood Coordinator Meriah Dufur Administrative Assistant Data Manager Kimberly Smith Child Outreach Coordinator If there is an indication that a student has a disability which impacts their educational performance they may be eligible for special education services. The process toward referral includes: MTSS Team (Multi-Tiered System of Supports – formerly “RTI”) Referral to the Eligibility Team with all necessary data and documentation – ETM Determination of Necessary Data and Evaluation Information Determination of Eligibility for Special Education Services-Case Conference If eligible, Development of an Individual Education Plan-IEP As special education services continue to expand and change, we remain steadfast to continue our commitment of providing appropriate services for child ren with special needs. We are always available to support families and their children. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding services, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can be reached at 401-592-0363. PARENTS’ RIGHTS IN BRIEF Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 It is the policy of the Board of Education to provide a free and appropriate public education to and reasonable modification of policies, practices or procedures for each eligible student with a disability under Section 504. It is the intent of the District to ensure that students who are or may be eligible for accommodations, aids and services, and/or reasonable modification of policies, practices, or procedures under Section 504 are Identified, evaluated, and if eligible, provided with appropriate accommodations, aids and services, and/or reasonable modifications of policies, practices, or procedures. To view the document in full, please click here. Your rights under IDEA and R.I. regulations. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the federal law concerning the education of students with disabilities, and the Regulations of the Rhode Island Council on Elementary and Secondary Education Governing the Education of Children with Disabilities, require schools to provide you, the parents of a child with a disability, with a notice containing a full explanation of the procedural safeguards (your rights) available under IDEA and the R.I. regulations. Please click here or on the document preview to view it in full
- About | LCSD
About Us The Little Compton School Department is comprised of a precious Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 8 village school. The town's high school students are "tuitioned out" to Portsmouth High School located (as the crow flies) in the neighboring town of Portsmouth, Rhode Island -- which is a quick trip across Mount Hope Bay via the Sakonnet River Bridge.
- Access to Public Records | LCSD
Access to Public Records Please review the APRA request policy by clicking here , then access the request form below. APRA REQUEST
- QuickLinks | LCSD
Quick Links Welcome to the WMS Quick Links Page. Below you will find direct links to our frequently used platforms, important sites, and more.