Student Registration
Welcome to Wilbur and McMahon Schools! We're excited you're considering joining our family. The link below will show you everything you need before you register.
Once you've reviewed that and have everything you need, you can register below
NOTE: Registrations are currently paused as we make upgrades to our systems. Please check back soon for an updated and streamlined enrollment process.
If you have any questions, please reach out to office@lcsd.k12.ri.us.
If you're a returning student, no need to register.
Quick Answers
Pre-School Registration?
To register your 3-5 year old for the pre-school we offer for students ages 3, 4 and 5, please call us at 401 592 0363 or email us at Office@lcsd.k12.ri.us. The school's Child Outreach Coordinator is Kimberly Smith at 401.592.0363 x1134 / ksmith@lcsd.k12.ri.us.
Students will go through a screening process first and then submit registration paperwork at Wilbur McMahon School.
Unable to complete the application online?
Please contact us or stop by during office hours to obtain a paper version of the packet.
Not a Resident? No Problem!
We accept non resident students. For more information on tuition please call us at 401.592.0363 or email us at office@lcsd.k12.ri.us
Transferring from another school?
Be sure to inform your previous school/district that you're making the switch and ask if they can provide a consent to release form to help us obtain your records.
Interested in a tour?
Please call us at 401 592 0363 or email us at Office@lcsd.k12.ri.us
Other Inquires
Please call us at 401 592 0363 or email us at Office@lcsd.k12.ri.us