School Committee
Professional Development Opportunities
RI Healthy School's Annual Breakfast - October 6, 2022
Check the following websites for the most up-to-date professional development opportunities.
The following links will show you the most up-to-date list of prerecorded professional development opportunities specific to the state of RI.​
In House Professional Development
Our attorney, Jon Anderson led a discussion on school board functions and a primer on education laws as well as state laws pertaining to government ethics. It covered duties and responsibilities of the school committee and the superintendent. It is included in the Dec 9th, 2020 school committee meeting under agenda item 9.2 (starts around 1 hour and 11 minutes into the video recording). The link to video recording is: https://youtu.be/doprDo4Ru7c.
Attorney Sean Clough led a professional development workshop on February 16th, 2022. The video link is here. https://youtu.be/7jXAQOAkcsE​
RIASC’s Annual Meeting May 7, 2022 Crowne Plaza Hotel​
Below are the videos from the recent 2022 Annual Meeting. You may watch the videos of the presentations and apply for credits.
Superintendent Evaluation https://youtu.be/2MV60GvZnqU
Conflict https://youtu.be/tOytE0zxeEY
Art of listening https://youtu.be/zTmuMPs703k
Awards https://youtu.be/UlfzN38Ofzs
Robert's Rules for Online Public Meetings
This workshop will prepare municipal and educational leaders to understand and follow parliamentary procedure, including during virtual public meetings, to ensure an efficient and collaborative approach to governing. Led by Evan Lemoine, Professional Registered Parliamentarian, this workshop will present an overview of standard parliamentary procedure along with best practices for using digital meeting technology. Click here for the recording. https://vimeo.com/689744949
Write On: Professional Correspondence for Public Officials
Took place on Wednesday, April 13th, 10:00AM - 11:30AM This workshop will help public officials create action-oriented emails and consistent correspondence that communicate more effectively and produce results. In this workshop, we will go over how to analyze situations and audiences, strategize content, create impactful subject lines, prioritize important information, and proofread professional correspondence to save time and increase efficiency. Check back soon for the recording.
Advocacy Basics Workshop
Contract RIASC and they will send you a link to the recorded video.
RIDE Presentation on School Improvement Teams
RIDE Presentation on Site-Based Management – School Improvement Teams
Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
This workshop will highlight the importance of diversity while providing public leaders with the tools to recognize and address inequities and biases that impact the development of policies and personnel decisions. Recorded on May 19th, 2021
Introduction to Municipal Finance, with the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council.
Recorded on May 12th, 2021
Rhode Island Association of School Committees Training Videos
Key Work of School Boards # 1 - 5
School Committee Roles and Responsibilities # 1 - 9
Please check the RIASC website for additional professional development video recordings.
Our school committee uses BoardDocs as a platform for all School Committee Content (Meetings, Policies, Minutes, Videos, etc) Please watch minutes 5 - 12 of this video to get a basic primer on how it works. https://youtu.be/rrHele0laKw
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gYHPLDZ4l5MzQBhseFa-hgUrS2bvhvws/view?usp=sharing (3 minutes 41 seconds - 8 minutes)
https://www.boarddocs.com/manual/help.nsf/ViewHelp?open&v=LT%20Plus&role=Publisher (Text Manual of Procedure)
https://youtu.be/cAdocsiC4Yo (1 hour long video)
Robert's Rules for Online Public Meetings
Communication Strategies for Effective Leadership
Join Allison G. Butler, Ph.D., and municipal leaders from across Rhode Island for a workshop on effective communication during a crisis.This session highlights the importance of connecting with external groups, especially constituents, in order to maximize the potential of your communications. The session provides tips, tools, and takeaways, relevant to municipal communications.https://vimeo.com/471108212
The Empathy Toolkit: Stakeholder Mapping & Communicating Effectively During Crisis
Recorded July 16th, 2020 for the Rhode Island Association of School Committees and education leaders throughout Rhode Island. This workshop highlights the importance of developing empathy for key stakeholders as a foundation for effective communication during an evolving crisis. Participants engaged in mapping techniques to identify and empathize with key internal and external stakeholders. Participants also learned how to generate a communication plan to engage and inform others based on stakeholder analysis. The session concludes with a review of additional empathy-based tips, tools, and takeaways for effective communication during crisis, and an opportunity for participants to share their own best practices with other attendees. https://vimeo.com/440784434
A recording of the annual Open Government Summit 2022
The presentation covers both the APRA and the OMA, but you could skip to the APRA portion, as it is most pertinent to admin employees. https://youtu.be/OQ_sHU_bZxQ
Council Communications
Recorded April 7th, 2021 for public leaders in Rhode Island https://vimeo.com/536028065/3dd5527c2c
Understanding the Education Funding Formula
Recorded on Wednesday, April 21, 2021 https://vimeo.com/540364647
"Holding Successful Virtual Public Meetings- Panelist Discussion"
The technical backend of hosting virtual and hybrid meetings. A recording of the webinar is available here: https://zoom.us/rec/share/5DITYJGS9MBN8JvOXTo2Q37rFl4rzemJ0NeOT5U7THecisY-n6YXzr9BeOetFbzH.yfk8vQyBnKu1N5Zp
DBR's guide on Holding Public Meetings via Video Conference
Please email School Committee Clerk if you would like to register for an event or have any questions.